by Rajat Subhra Chatterjee


As the New Year Bell tolls, now, at this stage of life, it seems New Year Resolutions are futile, considering that so many resolutions had been framed over last seven decades and hardly any have been achieved.

Instead, we may attempt to highlight some basic learning that one may derive from the famous book – ‘Who Sold my Ferrari’ by Rabin Sharma. Many of these, many of us preach  spiritually.


  1. Enlightenment comes through the constant cultivation of your mind, body and soul.
  2. Awaken the Giants within to the abundance of possibility around you.
  3. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future by. living  in the ‘ Now ‘.
  4. Quality of your life ultimately equates to the quality of your contribution.
  5. By elevating the lives of others, your life reaches its highest dimensions.
  6. Respect your Time. It is non-renewable.
  7. The purpose of life is a life of purpose – Dharma.
  8. Discipline is built by constantly performing small acts of courage.
  9. Do the things you fear. It is your own creation.
  10. When you resolve to lift your own life to its highest level, the strength of your soul will guide you to a magical place with magnificent treasures.
  11. Set clearly defined personal, professional & spiritual goals, and then have the courage to act on them.
  12. There are no mistakes – only lessons. See setbacks as opportunities for personal expansion & spiritual growth.
  13. The secret of happiness is to find out what you truly love to do & then direct all of your energy towards doing it.
  14. Run your own race. Do not be concerned with the judgment of others as long as you know you are right.
  15. Never get into the petty habit of measuring your self-worth against other people’s net-worth.
  16. Even the best – conditioned thinkers are using only 1% of their mental reserves.
  17. An average person on an average day runs about 60,000 thoughts through his mind and 95% of those thoughts were the same as the ones you thought the day before.
  18. No desire, no sorrows. One may sincerely follow this.
  19. Happiness follows Misery. More enlightened are you, quicker will be the change of status. ( Originally from Swamiji.)
  20. The last destination of all truly enlightened soul is a place called “Nirvana” where dance of life is played out with divine perfection.

If one takes these deep in one’s mind, the real treasure for oneself will be unfolded. All may not be applicable to everyone, yet most of these are concerning in general for each of us.

Compliments  of the Season to my readers. Happy New Year 2025.





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